Kristina Laptso's pink jacket made a stunning appearance in a recent photo shoot for the prestigious @presage_magazine, adding a touch of Barbie-inspired glamour to the editorial feature. The vibrant pink hue of the jacket, combined with its impeccable design and quality, perfectly captured the essence of modern chic with a nod to classic elegance.
Drawing inspiration from the iconic Barbie universe and the release of the eponymous film, our shoot serves as a delightful homage to this beloved cultural icon. We've ingeniously infused elements of the Barbie universe with an AI captivating narrative surrounding an alien invasion, creating a visually stunning and thought-provoking juxtaposition.
Producer & Photographer: @maximegeorgesg
Photographer & Editing: @taiga_dm
Fashion stylist: @lu3alo
Magazine: @presage_magazine
Now, let's take this Barbie-inspired look to the next level by incorporating some of the perfectly fitting pink garments from our collection. Whether it's a chic dress, a stylish top, or elegant trousers, you can create your own Barbie-inspired ensemble that reflects your unique style and personality. Check out these links to explore the pink garments available in our collection:
Elevate your fashion game with Kristina Laptso's exquisite pink pieces and unleash your inner Barbie!